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BLOG POST    10 June 2024


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React Native for long-term mobile app development

React Native has been one of the groundbreaking players in the hybrid development game. Since its inception back in 2015, the technology has come a long way. My professional experience in developing mobile apps with React Native started two years ago and since then I’ve worked on a number of projects using the framework –
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Blog post

Parents’ Guide: How to Work from Home

We talked to our colleagues with kids of different ages who shared their experiences. Here are their tips on making the most of the current situation and increasing productivity even when there is more noise around.
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Blog post

Systems Resilience: How to Safeguard Your Business

Safeguarding your systems is very often of extreme importance for any business operations, otherwise you risk facing downtime, losing clients and reputation. In this article, we share the things to consider on the road to resiliency and how to prepare for surviving chaotic situations and unexpected failures.
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IT outsourcing: the competitive edge for startups

Looking for outside help in completing IT projects is not a gloss of novelty and yet, very few manage to get the right help. Here comes IT outsourcing to help you extend your team and open up new horizons for development, at scale and cost-effectively.
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React application: when performance matters

That’s the nature of React. It doesn’t have much boilerplate code and it’s easy to use as long as you have fundamental JavaScript knowledge. But what happens when the application scales and its components get more and more complex? This is where performance becomes a very important part of the project. The following article aims to show how some small tricks could improve the performance of your application big time!
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ECMAScript Release Roadmap

Before going any further, I want you to question yourselves - Do you know what those ES things which front-end developers are often referring to, stand for? Do you know who is responsible for giving life to the new JavaScript features, which you are using in your everyday work?
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Key takeaways from Microsoft Inspire 2019

In this blog, we’ll share our key takeaways from Microsoft Inspire - one of the largest Microsoft partner conference. From new Azure capabilities to Power Platforms, read what were the main themes at Inspire for us!
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Kotlin – a language of the future

Kotlin is very powerful, extremely satisfying to write and makes developers much more efficient. There are many reasons to switch to it, or at the very least - give it a try. We are going to cover some of them here.
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Blog post

Sitefinity 12: Features Review, Part 2

In the previous Sitefinity 12 features review, we introduced you to the Page UI improvements and the new Rule-Based Forms. In the second part of the features review, our team walks you through another two of their favorite enhancements.
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